Bridging Family Planning Gaps Project in Migori and Kakamega County - January 2021 to May 2021
AYAN Kenya engaged with different community cadres, gatekeepers, and the general population in the various community calendar discussions on narrative change work and got a chance to curate out of the box activities and approach the community networks from a different angle. This project aimed at community advocacy and also to initiate a narrative-changing series of conversations with communities in their settings who have had positive experiences with reproductive rights choices. We aimed to document those experiences and share them with communities that are often too used to negative narratives revolving around reproductive Justice and finally build a movement from community to influence the policy environment using the bottom-up approach.
- No of Community Conversations – 20
- No of people reached – 654
- No of lived experiences shared – 8
- No of people referred for SRHR services – 231