Vijana Tugutuke Chanuka Challenge Support to Mitigate Bridging Family Planning Gaps Reproductive Health and Rights Gaps Conversations 4 Change Summary of Impact as result of our work and contribution Empowered young people able to voice their social support and decision making towards SRH and HIV/AIDS prevention efforts.Strengthened and sustainable Alliances comprehensively addressed the HIV/AIDS Prevention for children, adolescents and caregivers.Increased utilization of comprehensive SRHR, GBV and HIV/AIDS information and education by adolescent girls and young people of reproductive age.Increased utilization of quality and youth-friendly SRHR services that respond to the needs and rights of all young peopleImproved social-cultural, political and legal environment for gender-sensitive, youth-friendly SRHR and HIV/AIDS Prevention policy environment. e.g. Kisumu County Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy 2019 – 2024Migori County Multi-Sectorial Action Plan to Improve the Health and Well-being of Adolescents and YouthMigori County Costed Action Plan and The Minimum Service Package PoliciesSiaya County HIV/AIDS Strategy (Draft Stage)Homabay County AYSRH Strategic Plan 2022 – 2027 (Zero Draft)